Movies on Sikh Spiritual Practices & History
We have produced multiple movies to increase awareness of Sikh spiritual practices and Sikh history. We are in process of uploading the links of these films on this page so that you can stream them online
Movie Trailers
Prakash Shri Guru Granth Sahib
Gurbani de Kautak
Prakash Ton Prakash Tak
Prakash Ton Prakash Tak- A Day At The Golden Temple Film
A unique informatory documentary film in Punjabi about the 24 hours Holy Maryada (Daily Routine) at Sri Harimander Sahib (Golden Temple).
This film is based on the 24 hours daily Holy Mariyada at Sri Harimandar Sahib. It will show the entire process of the prakaash early in the morning, besides the whole Mariyada of Kirtan and the Sukhasan of Guru Sahib at night. The great tradition of Langar, the uniqueness of Sri Harimandar Sahib, Sri Guru Granth Sahib and other religious aspects of Sikhism in connection with the Golden Temple.Â
It will also cover the Safaaee Seva, Ishnaan Seva, Vichhaaee Seva, along with the description of all the historical places with in the big Parikarma. The duration of this documentary film is one hour and thirty minutes, but with in this short time, one can experience the 24-hours Holy Mariyada of Sri Harimandar Sahib, which only a very few blessed ones would have witnessed in totality till date. We have tried to cover all those aspects of the Holy Mariyada, which cannot be witnessed with out being present there continuously for 24 hours.
The main purpose of making this film is to make it possible for every one to see and know about the 24-hours holy Mariyada at Sri Harimandar Sahib, which is the Supreme Spiritual place of Sikhs.
Toshakhana Sri Darbar Sahib Film
A unique documentary film about the rare and priceless collection of items in the treasury of the Golden Temple which were gifted by various devout followers of the Guru Sahiban
Khalsa Film
A rare educational historical docu-drama film ever made about the actual Khalsa history & the 10th Master Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, in English, Punjabi & Hindi.
The film Khalsa is a cinematic revival of the actual Khalsa history for the first time, in the entire history of cinema. We made this film after a long research of 6-7 years and with the formal approval of SGPC. This film is a humble tribute to all the Guru Sahibaan and all those great Sikh martyrs, who selflessly laid down their lives for the principals of Sikhism and to protect the self-respect of humanity. Another important purpose of making this film is to project our glorious past and unusual history in front of the entire world in the right perspective, so that all Sikhs get the honor and respect due to them from all over the world, which they rightly deserve from the very beginning of their faith.
This type of film is made for the first time, due to various reasons, like historical contradictions, fear of controversies and some other non-commercial aspects. We have done 175 special screenings of this film all over Punjab, England, USA and Canada in most of the prominent Gurudwaras, School Grounds, Stadiums and auditoriums with out charging for any kind of tickets. This film briefly covers the entire life span of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, including all the defensive battles Guru Sahib had to fight against the treacherous hill kings and the tyrant mughal rulers of those times.
It has received a great response from the Sikh Sangat across the world. This film can be a treasure for the children to know about our history, and is available in three languages, Punjabi, English and Hindi.
Prakash Sri Guru Granth Sahib Film
A rare educational documentary film in Punjabi about the uniqueness of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
"Prakash Sri Guru Granth Sahib" is the only documentary film ever made about the uniqueness of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. It covers historical and spiritual aspects of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib and explains logically how the Holy Scripture was compiled?
What is the importance of Kirtan? Why the Gurbani is based on Ragas? How many ragas are used? How many sacred Shabads are there and how many Guru Sahiban, Saints and Bhatts are incorporated? And it also explains the unique concept of Shabad Guru.
This film proves the fact that Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the ultimate spiritual treasure on this earth to guide people in attaining salvation. This fact has been reconfirmed in this film by the realization of some of the world renowned spiritual and literary non-Sikh authorities.
This film is dedicated to the 400 years celebration of the first installation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib at Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar. This is available in Punjabi & English.
Gurbani De Kautak Part 1 Film
A unique devotional docu-drama film in Punjabi about the divine healing powers of Gurbani, based on evidence.
This DVD film is based on the true experiences of those patients, who were suffering from incurable diseases. When every type of medical treatment failed to cure, they some how got in touch with Gurbani with some friend or relatives timely advice & just by listening to Gurbani for some period of time, most of them got cured completely.
Their true experiences are dramatized in this film & they them selves also testify the same fact about their disease, process of cure, disappointments, helplessness & finally the divine blessings of Gurbani, which cured & saved them from indescribable sufferings.
This film can change any ones perspective towards life & God. After watching this film, most of the viewers feel that their way of prayer & visiting the Gurdwaras or any place of worship has changed. Their faith got strengthened about the powers & existence of Waheguru, which has contributed further to make them better human beings.
The Inseparables Film
A rare documentary film in English, which explores the historical and religious aspects of the unbreakable bond between a Sikh and his Turban with French & English Subtitles.
“The Inseparables” explores the historical and religious aspects of the unbreakable bond between a Sikh and his Turban. This film aims to enlighten even the most ignorant, about the logical and fundamental reasons and historical facts, which make the Sikh and his Turban inseparable. It explains the centuries old bond between a Sikh and his turban which has become an integral part of his existence through out the centuries.
“The Inseparables” empathizes that the Turban is not a mere decorative head gear for the Sikhs but it is an inseparable part of their identity, which has originated from the uniqueness of their religious faith and complete devotion to the unparallel principals of Sikhism. This film underlines that banning the Turban of a Sikh is like taking his unique identity and honor away from him and cutting all his ties from his religious and historical roots.
The Turban is more precious to a Sikh, than his head and that is why, uncountable devout Sikhs through out their history, preferred to be scalped alive, than to be without their long hair (Kesh) and Turban. It empathizes that how can any one even think of trying to take away that very identity of an individual, community or a race, which is the basis of its existence and especially when unimaginable sacrifices have been made by its uncountable martyrs in the past to protect it.
This 50 minute documentary film is in Punjabi & English with subtitles in French.
Gurbani De Kautak Part 2 Film
A unique devotional docu-drama film in Punjabi about the divine healing powers of Gurbani, based on evidence.
This film is based on the true experiences of those patients, who were suffering from incurable diseases. When every type of medical treatment failed to cure, they some how got in touch with Gurbani with some friend or relatives timely advice & just by listening to Gurbani for some period of time, most of them got cured completely.
Their true experiences are dramatized in this film & they them selves also testify the same fact about their disease, process of cure, disappointments, helplessness & finally the divine blessings of Gurbani, which cured & saved them from indescribable sufferings. This film can change any ones perspective towards life & God.
After watching this film, most of the viewers feel that their way of prayer & visiting the Gurdwaras or any place of worship has changed. Their faith got strengthened about the powers & existence of Waheguru, which has contributed further to make them better human beings.
Sarvnash Film
This is an educational docu-drama film in Punjabi against the menace of Drug Addiction. It shows all the aspects of drug abuse, dangers & ultimate solutions.
This film Sarvnash will guide the addicts in a various logical & practical ways to get rid of their addiction and inspire one & all to keep away from drugs by creating a positive fear of complete destruction due to drug addiction.
This film can play an extremely important role to educate people about all those unknown dangerous aspects of drug addiction with in just about 1 hour 40 minutes, which are realized even by a drug addict after his complete destruction. This film will alert all the parents to keep a close watch on their children in order to find out the initial symptoms of drug addiction at the very beginning stage of this menace. This film will also inspire in a very systematic & logical way to all the viewers to get connected to their roots, values and religious faiths to be morally stronger to keep away from drugs.
This kind of educational film about the drug abuse & its multidimensional aspects has been made for the first time. Most of the drug addicts & youngsters found this film extremely useful to quit drugs or keep away from any type of drug addiction.
Upcoming Films
Completion work of the following films is still going on in Mumbai.
1. Gurbani De Kautak Part-3
2. Gurbani De kautak Part-4
3. A Western Salutation to Sikhism Part-1
4. The Preparations work of our feature film Shahadat is also on in Mumbai.
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