Meditation FAQ
What is the origin of this practice of Simran?
Guru Nanak’s gift to mankind is this practice of Simran along with the use of mantra “Waheguru”. Please refer to this article to go over this in more detail.
Do I need to use “Waheguru” as the mantra or can I use any other word?
You can use any Mantra that connects with you and is accepted by your mind. It can be “Waheguru”, “Hari Om Tat Sat”, “Allah Hu Akbar”, “God is Great”, “Tu Hi”, etc. The important thing is that this word should resonate/connect with you.
How do I pronounce the mantra “Waheguru”?
You can pronounce “Waheguru” any way you want. You may refer to the following audio clip for more insight on this
Can anyone do this practice of Simran?
Yes, anyone can do this practice.
What is the best time for me to practice Simran?
You can practice Simran, whenever you have a block of time available. However Amrit Vela or Brahma Muhurta (a few hours before sunrise typically 3am-6am) is especially a good time to practice Simran.
My mind wanders a lot when I sit to do Simran. How do I focus my mind?
It is very common for one’s mind to wander. In fact our mind is wandering all the time and we only tend to notice this when we sit for the practice. The important thing is to focus your attention on the sounds emitting when you are speaking the mantra. This will focus your mind. Over time with practice you will find that your mind is wandering less and less.
Do not be hard on yourself when you notice your mind wandering. When you notice that your mind is not present, gently bring the attention back to the sound.
You can check out this video for more details